I have been dabbling in iPad lettering for about a year now. I know, I know…I am way behind in the game! For a long time I observed the craze online and thought…meh…looks like cheating to me! I’ll stick to my pens and pencils! (I know many hand letterers that are die hard analog only artists.)
How soon after receiving one as a gift, that I quickly changed my tune! It has been an incredible tool and asset to my business. It has enabled me to practice basically anywhere and made mock ups and sketches for clients a breeze!
And guess what?? It is NOT cheating! I still need to apply the lettering skills I have for pen and paper. Yes there is a learning curve…but that is part of the fun for me too! Pen and paper always takes first place in my heart, but iPad lettering has been really fun as well.
What do you think? Analog for life or are you open to learning digital lettering?
If you want to dive into ipad lettering I have learned a lot through Skillshare!

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